Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics for Journal of Language Teaching

In this article, you will find the following information:

1. Author and Contributor Identity Policy

2. Handling of Complaints and Appeals Policies

3. Conflict of Interest Policy

4. Data Sharing and Replicability Policy

5. Ethical Oversight Policy

6. Intellectual Property Policy

7. Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections Policy

8. Hazards and human or animal subjects

9. References


1. Author and Contributor Identity Policy


At Journal of Language Teaching, we uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our operations. We recognize that transparent identification of authorship and contributorship is crucial for the integrity and accountability of our publication process.

Authorship Criteria

  1. Eligibility: Authorship should be limited to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors.
  2. Acknowledgments: Those who participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Changes to Authorship

  • Before Acceptance: Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the journal editor. To request such a change, the corresponding author must provide the editor with: (a) the reason for the change in author list and (b) written confirmation (email, letter) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal, or rearrangement. In the case of addition or removal of authors, this includes confirmation from the author being added or removed.
  • After Acceptance: No changes to authorship will be permitted after acceptance of a manuscript.


Each author's role or contribution must be clearly stated during submission. This transparency helps readers understand who contributed what to the work, enhancing its credibility.


Any cases of suspected misconduct (e.g., ghostwriting, guest authorship) will be investigated thoroughly in line with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. Consequences may include retraction of the manuscript, notification to the authors' institutions, and prohibition of future submissions from the involved authors.

Dispute Resolution

In cases of authorship disputes, the Journal will actively mediate to ensure an equitable resolution based on our policy and general ethical standards. Authors and contributors are encouraged to resolve disputes among themselves, but the Journal can intervene if necessary.


2. Handling of Complaints and Appeals Policies


Journal of Language Teaching is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and fairness in all its operations. As part of this commitment, we have established clear procedures for addressing and resolving complaints and appeals effectively and transparently.

Scope of Complaints and Appeals

This policy covers complaints and appeals related to:

  • The conduct of the editorial process, including perceptions of bias or unfair treatment during manuscript handling.
  • The conduct of reviewers or editorial decisions perceived as unjust or flawed.
  • Allegations of ethical misconduct, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or other breaches of publication ethics.
  • Disputes regarding corrections, retractions, and intellectual property.

Procedure for Submitting Complaints

  1. Initial Contact: Complainants should first contact the editor-in-chief or managing editor with their complaint. This communication should be in writing and must clearly outline the nature of the complaint.
  2. Documentation: Complainants are encouraged to provide any evidence or documentation that supports their complaint to facilitate a thorough investigation.
  3. Acknowledgment: The journal will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within one week and provide the complainant with information about the steps that will be followed.

Investigation Process

  1. Review: The complaint will be reviewed by the editor-in-chief, possibly in conjunction with other editorial board members or an independent advisory panel, depending on the nature of the complaint.
  2. Impartiality: Every effort will be made to handle complaints with impartiality; if the complaint is against an editor, the deputy editor or a senior editorial board member with no conflicts of interest will undertake the review.
  3. Resolution: The goal is to resolve complaints within four weeks of receipt. If the investigation takes longer, the complainant will be informed about the reasons for the delay and given an updated timeline.

Appeals Process

If the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution of the complaint, they may appeal the decision. The appeal must be submitted in writing within two weeks of receiving the resolution, stating the reasons for the appeal. The appeal will be considered by an independent panel set up by the journal, which will review the initial complaint, the investigation process, and the evidence provided. The decision of the appeals panel will be final.

Transparency and Confidentiality

Throughout the complaint and appeal process, Journal of Language Teaching will ensure transparency in the procedures followed while maintaining confidentiality for all parties involved.

Record Keeping

Records of all complaints and appeals, including the details of the investigation and resolution, will be securely kept by the journal to ensure accountability and facilitate continual improvement of our processes.


3. Conflict of Interest Policy

Definition of Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest occurs when an individual’s personal or financial relationships may influence, or appear to influence, their actions or decisions in their professional roles. This includes, but is not limited to, financial relationships such as funding or investments, and personal relationships such as family, friendships, or rivalries.

Author Responsibilities

  1. Disclosure: Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately influence their work. This includes funding sources, relevant financial interests, affiliations, and relationships.
  2. Statement: A conflict of interest statement must be included in the manuscript submission, detailing all pertinent conflicts. If there are no conflicts, authors should state, "The authors declare no conflict of interest."

Reviewer Responsibilities

  1. Disclosure: Reviewers must disclose any conflicts that could bias their opinions of the manuscript, including any personal or financial relationship with the authors or institutions.
  2. Recusal: Reviewers should recuse themselves from reviewing any manuscript where they perceive a conflict of interest.

Editorial Responsibilities

  1. Monitoring: Editors are responsible for ensuring that all participants in the editorial process disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  2. Action: If a conflict of interest is noted after publication, the journal may publish a correction or retraction, depending on the nature of the conflict and the potential impact on the content of the published work.
  3. Confidentiality: Editors must also avoid any decision-making on papers for which they have a conflict of interest, and should delegate handling of any such submissions to other members of the editorial board.

Handling Conflicts

  1. Assessment: All reported conflicts of interest will be assessed by the editors to determine their impact on the review and publication process.
  2. Management: Depending on the nature of the conflict, the journal may decide to publish a declaration of the conflict along with the article, reject the manuscript, or take other appropriate actions.


Journal of Language Teaching is committed to transparency in handling conflicts of interest. All disclosed conflicts of interest will be made available to the editors, reviewers, and readers in relation to the manuscript concerned.

4. Data Sharing and Replicability Policy

Data Sharing

  1. Requirement: Authors are required to make the data supporting their findings available upon publication unless legal or ethical constraints prevent this.
  2. Formats: Data should be shared in a format that is accessible and usable, accompanied by sufficient explanation to allow replication of the results.
  3. Repositories: Data should be deposited in a recognized and publicly accessible repository, where possible. Authors should include a data accessibility statement in their manuscript, providing the data repository name and a persistent identifier.
  4. Exceptions: If data cannot be shared publicly due to ethical or legal reasons, authors must provide a clear explanation in the manuscript. They should also provide information on how researchers can obtain access to the data under controlled conditions.

Code Sharing

  1. Software and Algorithms: Any custom software or algorithms used in the research must be made available, ideally through public repositories or on a website linked to the publication.
  2. Licensing: Authors are encouraged to release code under an open-source license that permits unrestricted access and reuse.


  1. Methodological Transparency: Authors should provide detailed descriptions of their methodologies to enable replication. This includes, but is not limited to, precise descriptions of experimental procedures, statistical analyses, and equipment or software used.
  2. Supplementary Materials: Where necessary, authors should include supplementary material that further aids in replication, such as study protocols, additional datasets, and analysis scripts.

Ethical Considerations

  1. Privacy: Authors must ensure that shared data comply with laws and regulations concerning privacy, and that any potentially identifiable information is properly anonymized.
  2. Permissions: Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions to share any data not owned by them and must provide proper attribution where required.

Review and Compliance

  1. Verification: During the peer review process, reviewers are encouraged to consider the adequacy of the shared data and methodologies.
  2. Non-compliance: Failure to adhere to this data sharing policy may result in rejection of the manuscript or retraction of the article after publication.

5. Ethical Oversight Policy

Ethical Oversight Committee

  1. Composition: The Ethical Oversight Committee comprises a mix of editorial board members, external ethics experts, and representatives from academia. This committee is responsible for advising on ethical matters and reviewing suspected cases of misconduct.
  2. Role: The committee ensures that all publishing activities comply with international ethical standards and guidelines for research and publication ethics.

Responsibilities of the Committee

  1. Review of Policies: Regularly review and update the journal’s ethics policies to align with evolving international standards and guidelines.
  2. Education and Training: Provide guidance and training to authors, reviewers, and editors on ethical practices and standards.
  3. Monitoring Compliance: Monitor compliance with ethical standards in the review process and published content.
  4. Handling Misconduct: Investigate allegations of misconduct, including plagiarism, data falsification, and unethical research practices.

Ethical Guidelines for Research Involving Humans or Animals

  1. Compliance with Regulations: Research involving humans or animals must comply with international and institutional guidelines. Authors must provide evidence of approval from relevant ethics committees or review boards.
  2. Informed Consent: For studies involving human participants, authors must ensure that informed consent has been obtained from all participants or their legal guardians.
  3. Animal Welfare: Research involving animals must adhere to ethical standards in the treatment of animals and efforts must be made to minimize harm.

Conflict Resolution

  1. Procedure: The Ethical Oversight Committee will handle disputes or ethical issues brought to its attention by authors, reviewers, or readers.
  2. Fairness and Confidentiality: The committee will treat all allegations seriously and manage them confidentially, ensuring a fair and unbiased resolution process.
  3. Outcomes: Possible outcomes of ethical reviews include correction or retraction of articles, formal apologies, and, in severe cases, banning authors from submitting to the journal.


  1. Reporting: Maintain transparency in reporting the outcomes of ethical reviews, respecting the confidentiality of involved parties.
  2. Publication of Ethical Corrections: Publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies as needed to maintain the integrity of the academic record.


6. Intellectual Property Policy

Journal of Language Teaching is committed to respecting and protecting intellectual property rights. Our policy is designed to ensure that all contributors—authors, reviewers, and editors—understand and uphold these rights, safeguarding the originality and integrity of published work.


  1. Author Rights: Authors retain copyright to their articles but are required to grant Journal of Language Teaching a license to publish the article and identify the journal as the original place of publication.
  2. User Rights: Articles are published under a Creative Commons license (typically CC BY), which allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation.

Attribution and Referencing

  1. Citations: All sources must be accurately cited and referenced. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any content that is not their own.
  2. Plagiarism: The journal strictly prohibits plagiarism in any form. Submissions are screened for originality using plagiarism detection software.

Submission Declaration

  1. Original Work: Authors must declare that their work is original and has not been published elsewhere in any form or language (partially or in full), except as an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis.
  2. Concurrent Submission: Simultaneous submission of manuscripts to more than one journal is not permitted.

Handling of Infringements

  1. Investigation: Allegations of intellectual property infringement are investigated thoroughly.
  2. Consequences: In cases of confirmed intellectual property infringement, actions may include the retraction of the infringing article, notification of misconduct to the authors’ institutions, and a ban on future submissions from the infringing authors.

Fair Use Policy

  1. Scope: Journal of Language Teaching allows the use of published articles for scholarly purposes without requiring permission, provided that the work is properly attributed.
  2. Restrictions: Commercial use of published articles without prior consent from the journal is strictly prohibited.


  1. Permissions: Requests for reprinting, republishing, or creating derivative works from published articles must be directed to the journal’s editorial office.
  2. License Agreements: Authors are required to sign an agreement that outlines the terms of publishing and distribution before their work is published in Journal of Language Teaching.

7. Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections Policy

The Journal of Language Teaching values the ongoing scholarly dialogue that continues after the publication of articles. We recognize the importance of correcting the record and facilitating discussion to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scholarly record. This policy outlines how we handle post-publication discussions and corrections.

Post-Publication Discussions

  1. Commentaries and Letters: The journal encourages readers to engage in scholarly discussion by submitting commentaries or letters to the editor regarding published articles. These contributions should be constructive, focused on the content, and scientifically rigorous.
  2. Online Platforms: The journal may host online discussion forums or enable comment sections on published articles to facilitate academic dialogue and exchange.

Corrections and Retractions

  1. Errors by Authors: If authors discover significant errors in their published work, they are encouraged to notify the journal editors promptly and cooperate in the correction or retraction of the paper.
  2. Editorial Errors: If errors are introduced during the editorial process, the journal will issue corrections as soon as the error is recognized.
  3. Retractions: Articles may be retracted if there are critical errors or ethical violations that invalidate the research findings. Retractions are clearly identified as such and include the reason for the retraction.

Process for Handling Corrections

  1. Initiation: Corrections can be initiated by the authors, readers, or editors. All claims or concerns brought to the journal’s attention are investigated thoroughly.
  2. Investigation: An initial assessment will determine if a formal correction or retraction is warranted. This assessment may involve consultations with the authors, peer reviewers, and external experts.
  3. Implementation: Once a decision is made, the journal will promptly publish a correction notice or retraction. This notice will be linked to the original article and included in the article’s PDF and HTML versions to ensure visibility.


  1. Minor Corrections: Minor corrections that do not affect the article’s findings or overall interpretation may be made directly to the online article without issuing a formal correction notice.
  2. Major Corrections: Significant errors that affect the article's scientific integrity or conclusions will result in the publication of a formal correction notice.

Ensuring Visibility and Accessibility

  1. Linking Corrections: Corrections and retractions are linked to the original article and indexed in databases to ensure that they are accessible to all readers and citation networks.
  2. Transparency: The journal maintains transparency by documenting the correction process and providing clear reasons and acknowledgments for corrections and retractions.


Hazards and human, children, or animal subjects

Authors must clearly identify these risks in manuscripts involving specific chemicals, procedures, or equipment that present unique hazards.

For research using animal or human subjects, authors are required to affirm in the manuscript that all activities adhered to the applicable laws and institutional guidelines and received approval from the relevant institutional committees. It should also be stated that informed consent was secured for experiments involving human subjects, and the privacy of human subjects was consistently upheld.

Human research must be conducted in alignment with the World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki concerning ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. Animal research should adhere to the ARRIVE guidelines and be conducted according to the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, EU Directive 2010/63/EU on animal protection in scientific contexts, or the U.S. Public Health Service Policy and Animal Welfare Act, depending on the applicable legal framework.

For studies involving children, authors must adhere to additional safeguards to protect the rights and welfare of this vulnerable population. The manuscript must include a statement confirming that all procedures performed were in strict compliance with ethical standards of the relevant national and institutional committees on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013, particularly regarding child subjects. It should also be explicitly stated that guardian consent was obtained for all participants under the age of consent. The manuscript must affirm that the privacy and anonymity of child participants have been thoroughly protected throughout the research process. This involves ensuring that any data published in Journal of Language Teaching cannot be used to identify individual participants without explicit guardian consent.

Authors must obtain the necessary consents, permissions, and releases when intending to include personal details, images, or other identifiable information of patients or any other individuals in an article published by Journal of Language Teaching. Authors are required to keep the original written consents and must be able to provide copies or proof of these consents to the journal upon request.
