Revenue Sources

Revenue Sources for Journal of Language Teaching

Introduction: Journal of Language Teaching is committed to maintaining transparency in all its operations, including how it is funded. This document outlines the various sources of revenue that support the publication and distribution of the journal. It is important to note that editorial decisions are made independently of funding sources and financial considerations, ensuring the integrity and impartiality of our peer-review process.

Sources of Revenue:

  1. Author Fees:

    • Article Processing Charges (APCs): Authors are required to pay an APC if their manuscript is accepted for publication. These fees cover the costs of manuscript processing, online hosting, indexing, and maintenance of journal archives.

Editorial Independence: Journal of Language Teaching maintains strict editorial independence regardless of its sources of revenue. Funding does not influence any editorial decisions, which are solely based on the scientific merit and relevance of submissions. Our commitment to editorial integrity ensures that all articles we publish meet the highest standards of scholarly excellence.