Academic Misconduct

Policy on Academic Misconduct for Journal of Language Teaching

Purpose: Journal of Language Teaching is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and academic honesty. This policy outlines the measures and procedures that the Journal, its publishers, and editors will follow to prevent, identify, and address allegations of academic misconduct.

Scope: This policy applies to all submissions to Journal of Language Teaching, including research papers, reviews, and any other academic content.

Definitions: Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, citation manipulation, and the fabrication or falsification of data.

Prevention and Detection:

  1. Screening: All submissions to Journal of Language Teaching undergo rigorous peer review and are screened for originality using plagiarism detection software.
  2. Education: Authors are provided with clear guidelines regarding the ethical standards expected in their submissions, including accurate citation practices and the necessity for data integrity.
  3. Editorial Oversight: Editors are trained to recognize signs of potential misconduct, including unusual citation patterns or inconsistencies in data.

Handling Allegations of Misconduct:

  1. Initial Assessment: Upon receiving an allegation of misconduct, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct a preliminary assessment to determine the credibility of the claim. This assessment must be impartial and confidential.
  2. Investigation: If the initial assessment suggests possible misconduct, a formal investigation will be initiated. This process involves gathering all relevant information and documentation from the accused author(s), as well as any additional evidence from peer reviewers or third parties.
  3. Consultation with COPE: Journal of Language Teaching adheres to COPE guidelines for handling allegations of misconduct. The Editor-in-Chief may consult with COPE to ensure that the investigation follows international best practices.
  4. Resolution: Following the investigation, the Editorial Board will convene to discuss the findings and determine the appropriate course of action. Possible outcomes include:
    • Exonerating the author(s) if misconduct is not confirmed.
    • Issuing a correction or retraction of the paper if misconduct is verified.
    • Imposing sanctions on the author(s), which may include banning from future submissions to the journal.
    • Notifying the author's institution of the findings, when applicable.

Documentation and Transparency: The entire process will be documented to maintain the integrity of the investigation and to provide a clear record of actions taken. Summaries of resolved cases, while protecting the confidentiality of the involved parties, may be published to educate the community and deter future misconduct.

Appeals: Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions related to allegations of misconduct. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Editor-in-Chief within 30 days of the decision. The appeal will be reviewed by an independent committee appointed by the Editorial Board.

Amendments to the Policy: This policy may be revised as needed to adapt to new ethical challenges and to align with updates in COPE guidelines. Any amendments will be communicated to the journal’s community through the journal’s website and other appropriate channels.