Axolotls, environmentally conscious mayors and watermills: Didactic proposals for raising awareness on water conservation through pedagogical translation


  • Krisztina Zimányi Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Denisse Alejandra Vargas Montiel Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Lydia Pereira Carneiro Université de Caen, Normandie
  • Robin Pitte Université de Caen, Normandie
  • Renata Ayala Ciprés Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Valeria Tinúviel Escamilla García Universidad de Guanajuato



material design, pedagogical translation, Sustainable Development Goals,, water conservation


The present article explores the possibilities of integrating Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #6 (Clean water and sanitation) in the content of materials designed for Spanish as a second or foreign language (S2/FL) learners in a Mexican context. The idea arose from the recent severe droughts in the country that affected water consumption in certain cities. For immersion students studying S2/FL in Mexico, this became a reality rarely discussed in the classroom. In addition, the use of pedagogical translation is proposed to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the learners’ already existing linguistics skills. Considering the particularities of the context where the project was developed, the material design stage was preceded by two smaller enquiries into the perception of Mexico and Mexican culture abroad as well as the country’s representation in existing S2/FL materials. One specific point of interest was if everyday realities where the lack of water received mention in the foreign press and / or if S2/FL textbooks. The resulting activities propose to cover these rather complex topics through a ludic perspective that can be replicated and adapted to a variety of contexts and any one of the SDG.

Author Biographies

  • Krisztina Zimányi, Universidad de Guanajuato

    Krisztina Zimányi is a full-time associate professor at the Department of Languages, University of Guanajuato, Mexico where she is involved in second language teacher training and the promotion of translation studies. She has an MA in English Language and Literature from Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest, and an MPhil in Anglo-Irish Literature from the University of Dublin, Trinity College. She graduated with an MA in Translation Studies from Dublin City University, where she also completed her PhD on Mental Health Interpreting. Her research interests include translator training, translator and interpreter ethics, intersemiotic translation, pedagogical translation as well as discourse and multimodal analysis.

  • Denisse Alejandra Vargas Montiel, Universidad de Guanajuato

    Denisse Alejandra Vargas Montiel is a graduate of the BA in Teaching English and currently studies the BA in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language at the University of Guanajuato. Her interests include translation, pedagogical translation, activity design and applied linguistics, mainly psycholinguistics and second language acquisition.

  • Lydia Pereira Carneiro, Université de Caen, Normandie

    Lydia Pereira Carneiro is currently studying Sciences of Language at the University of Caen Normandy. Her interests include linguistics, sign language, speech therapy and learning languages such as Spanish, Portuguese and English.

  • Robin Pitte, Université de Caen, Normandie

    Robin Dominique Jean Pitte is currently studying Foreign Languages at the University of Caen Normandy. He is in his third year of post-baccalaureate studies. His has a keen interest in languages, including English, Spanish and Italian.

  • Renata Ayala Ciprés, Universidad de Guanajuato

    Renata Ayala Ciprés is currently studying the BA in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language at the University of Guanajuato. Her interests include learning languages such as Japanese and English.

  • Valeria Tinúviel Escamilla García, Universidad de Guanajuato

    Valeria Tinúviel Escamilla García is currently studying the BA in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language at the University of Guanajuato. Her interests include learning languages such as English, Italian and a little bit of Japanese (and sometimes French).


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Zimaěnyi et al. (2025) + Appendices







How to Cite

Zimányi, K., Vargas Montiel, D. A., Pereira Carneiro, L. ., Pitte, R. D. J., Ayala Ciprés, R. ., & Escamilla García, V. T. . (2025). Axolotls, environmentally conscious mayors and watermills: Didactic proposals for raising awareness on water conservation through pedagogical translation. Journal of Language Teaching, 5(1), 1-10.

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