Towards eclecticism: A hybrid product-process approach to the teaching of EFL writing


  • Mustapha Rakrak Ibn Tofail university, Kenitra



writing instruction, hybrid product-process approach, eclecticism, method


This article argues for the adoption of a hybrid product-process approach to EFL writing instruction. It lays bare the weaknesses of the well-established writing approaches: the controlled approach, the current traditional rhetoric, the process approach and the genre approach. Then, it makes it clear how language teaching methods in general have lost their credibility and fallen out of favor over the last few years. Reasons of this discreditation are presented. This condition paved the way for the emergence of eclecticism, which started taking shape as a favorable classroom practice in the post method era. Within this framework, this paper suggests an eclectic approach to the teaching of writing. This approach pulls together and merges the strengths of both product and process approaches. The nine stages of this model are explained in depth. The article also presents practical tips and examples that would aid teachers in the adoption of this eclectic mix in their classrooms.

Author Biography

  • Mustapha Rakrak, Ibn Tofail university, Kenitra

    Mustapha RAKRAK is an ELT supervisor and trainer. He supervises high school teachers of English in the region of Ouezzane. He accompanies them throughout their journey of continuous professional development. He holds pedagogical meetings and facilitates workshops for them about various EFL issues. He had worked as a high school teacher of English for twelve years before. He is currently working on a Ph.D. thesis about the combination of product and process approaches in the teaching of writing in Moroccan high schools. His areas of academic interest are writing, curriculum development, and learner training. Email:


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Original Research

How to Cite

Rakrak, M. (2022). Towards eclecticism: A hybrid product-process approach to the teaching of EFL writing. Journal of Language Teaching, 2(9), 1-9.

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