Investigating the effectiveness of input-based techniques on the acquisition of English passive: A comparative study of explicit instruction and input-based techniques




implicit instruction, explicit instruction, grammar teaching, input flood, textual enhancement, rule-based instruction


This study investigates the efficacy of various grammar instruction techniques, namely focus-on-form (FonF) and focus-on-forms (FonFs), on the acquisition and production of the English passive voice. A quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design was employed across four treatment groups without a control group, involving 62 Turkish learners of English, enrolled in preparatory classes at a public university in Turkey, with a B1 (intermediate) proficiency level. The study assessed the effectiveness of input flood (IF), input flood coupled with textual enhancement (IF + TE), input flood with explicit grammar teaching (IF + EGT), and rule-based instruction (RBI). Authentic texts on global warming and climate change were used as materials, with passive sentences underlined for the IF + TE group and explicit grammar explanations provided to the IF + EGT group. Findings point to a clear superiority of RBI in the learners’ grammatical acquisition and production, supporting the idea that explicit instruction, followed by controlled practice, significantly enhances learning outcomes. Contrary to RBI's success, the IF only approach did not yield a substantial impact, questioning the effectiveness of implicit teaching methods for complex grammatical structures. The study also examined the relationship between explicit knowledge and communicative practice, finding that explicit instruction is critical even within communicative frameworks. These outcomes align with the Noticing Hypothesis, emphasizing that conscious recognition of grammatical forms is necessary for effective language acquisition. The study contributes to the ongoing debate on the efficacy of explicit grammar instruction versus implicit learning, suggesting that a combination of instruction focusing on form within a communicative context can be beneficial for EFL learners.

Author Biography

  • Dogan Can Akçin, University College London

    Dogan Can Akçin is a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics at University College London, currently in the final stages of completing his doctoral thesis. His research interests include second language acquisition, the role of different language aptitude profiles on the acquisition of syntactic structures, and task-based language teaching, which also form the core focus of his thesis. He received a bachelor’s degree in English Language Teaching from Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey and a master’s degree in TESOL (Teaching of English to the Speakers of Other Languages) from University College London. In his dissertation, he focused on the effectiveness of several input-based techniques coupled with rule-based instruction on the acquisition and production of the English passive. The study was nominated by University College London to British Council ELT Master’s Dissertation Awards in 2018 for its potential for impact on English language teaching. In his doctoral research, Dogan Can investigates the role of cognitive differences on the effectiveness of explicit and implicit modes of instructions, aiming to contribute to our understanding of language aptitude. His work builds upon previous research and employs innovative methodologies, to explore the mediating role of language aptitude in instructional effectiveness, especially in task-based language teaching.


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Akçin (2024)






Original Research

How to Cite

Akçin, D. C. (2024). Investigating the effectiveness of input-based techniques on the acquisition of English passive: A comparative study of explicit instruction and input-based techniques. Journal of Language Teaching, 4(3), 12-26.

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