A brief review of the effect of reading strategy instruction on L2 reading comprehension: A discussion of types, amount, L2 proficiency, and age





reading strategy instruction, L2 reading comprehension, L2 proficiency, age


L2 reading, as a dominant source of language input, is an essential skill contributing to language learners’ academic success across various educational contexts. The process of teaching that strategy is reading strategy instruction (RSI). A considerable amount of literature has provided important information on the effect of RSI on improving L2 reading. This article discusses briefly reviews the effect of reading strategy instruction on L2 reading comprehension from the perspective of the types and amount of RSI, L2 proficiency, and age.

Author Biography

  • Hao Wu

    Hao Wu is an English lecturer at Naval Medical University. He earned an MSc in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching (Distinction) from The University of Oxford and an MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from The University of Hong Kong. His research interests revolve around L2 learning motivation, language learning self-efficacy, anxiety, self-regulated and instructed strategies, questionnaire development, language assessment, and educational statistics.


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How to Cite

Wu, H. (2022). A brief review of the effect of reading strategy instruction on L2 reading comprehension: A discussion of types, amount, L2 proficiency, and age. Journal of Language Teaching, 2(3), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.54475/jlt.2022.003

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