Empowering Chinese high school students: Transformative reading lessons with the task-based learning approach


  • Shiqi Cai Guangzhou College of Commerce




task-based language teaching, TBLT, tasks, English as a Second Language, ESL, reading instruction


This essay investigates the implementation of the task-based language teaching (TBLT) approach in Chinese high school English as a Second Language (ESL) reading lessons. Despite China’s Ministry of Education’s endorsement of TBLT, its application in the Chinese language classroom remains challenging due to factors such as traditional examination systems and teachers’ limited knowledge of TBLT principles. Drawing on the author’s experience as an English teacher, the project aims to explore how TBLT can be effectively integrated into ESL reading instruction. The objectives include explaining the main characteristics of TBLT, identifying issues in the Chinese EFL context, providing rationales for TBLT use, and constructing three reading lesson plans that adopt the TBLT approach. The lesson plans, which incorporate authentic materials and a variety of tasks, are designed to promote fluency in reading for information and to develop students’ awareness of real-world issues. The essay concludes that TBLT, with its learner-centered and goal-oriented nature, can enhance motivation and engagement in language learning, and that it is particularly suitable for contexts where students are preparing for overseas studies and need to develop communicative skills and creativity. The project also emphasizes the critical role of teachers in facilitating TBLT lessons and the need for ongoing professional development to support the effective implementation of TBLT in Chinese EFL teaching.

Author Biography

  • Shiqi Cai, Guangzhou College of Commerce

    Shiqi Cai is currently an English teacher in the Foreign Language Department at Guangzhou College of Commerce. She graduated from the University of Sydney with a master’s degree in education (TESOL), achieving an overall high distinction. Her primary research interest lies in pedagogical approaches to teaching English as a second language and second language acquisition (SLA).
    Email: psyche_k@sina.com


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Cai (2024)






How to Cite

Cai, S. (2024). Empowering Chinese high school students: Transformative reading lessons with the task-based learning approach. Journal of Language Teaching, 4(3), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.54475/jlt.2024.015

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