College English teaching based on peer feedback in writing tasks under the perspective of New Liberal Arts
new liberal arts, peer evaluation, English teaching, medical schools, deep learningAbstract
This study aims to explore the teaching model of medical universities’ English education based on peer feedback in writing classes under the new liberal arts perspective. Using construstivism as the theoretical framework, the scaffolding theory as the analytical framework, this study employs experimental control methods and utilizes SPSS software for data analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of peer feedback in improving writing abilities. In-depth text analyses of questionnaires and reflection reports are conducted to examine the mediating effects of this strategy on students’ text revision, academic discourse knowledge, cultural literacy, and research awareness, and to investigate how peer feedback contributes to the cultivation of autonomous learning, self-assessment, and critical thinking. The findings confirm that peer feedback not only enhances students’ writing levels but also fosters their deep learning habits. This study provides an effective teaching model that integrates deep learning and ideological education for medical universities’ English instruction based on peer feedback in writing classes under the new liberal arts perspective.
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