The effects of planning and task on Chinese high school students’ English language performance




planning, language performance, task type, Chinese high school students


Planning is the core of writing process and the key to successful English writing. This study examines the effects of planning type on language complexity, accuracy and fluency in two different English writing tasks (practical writing and integral writing) of Chinese high school students. The results show that online planning promotes students’ language complexity and accuracy, while pre-task planning improves fluency. Planning and task types have an interactive effect in writing accuracy. This study promotes an understanding of planning mechanisms in high school students’ English writing and has implications for high school English instruction.

Author Biographies

  • Yanshu Sun, School of Foreign Languages, Liaocheng University

    Yanshu Sun (PhD) is an associate professor at Liaocheng University, China. Her research interests include second language writing and foreign language instruction.

  • Tong Wang, Shengcheng Middle School

    Tong Wang (MA) is an English teacher at Shengcheng Middle School, Weifang, China.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Sun, Y., & Wang, T. (2023). The effects of planning and task on Chinese high school students’ English language performance. Journal of Language Teaching, 3(8), 1-8.

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