Does ‘WOW’ translate to an ‘A’? Exploring the effects of virtual reality assisted multimodal text on Chinese Grade 8 EFL learners’ reading comprehension
multimodal input, virtual reality, reading comprehension, cognitive loadAbstract
Purpose In recent years, the incorporation of multimedia into linguistic input has opened a new horizon in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). In the reading aspect, the advent of virtual reality (VR) technology extends the landscape of reading repertoire by engaging learners with auditory, visual and tactile multimodal input. This study aimed to examine the pedagogical potential of VR technology in enhancing learners’ reading comprehension. Methods Three classes including 131 Chinese 8th grade EFL students participated in this study. This study adopted mixed methods methodology and triangulated pre-post-retention tests, questionnaires, learning journals and interview data to compare three modes of text input on learners’ reading performance and cognitive processing. Results The results indicated that VR-assisted multimodal input significantly improved learners’ macrostructural comprehension in the short term, whereas there was no significant difference in retention performance. The findings revealed that reading multimodal text did not exceed learners’ memory capacity or impose extraneous cognitive load. Participants mainly reported favorably on the efficacy of multimodal input in assisting their reading. Conclusion This study was the first attempt to integrate VR technology with input presentation and cognitive processing and offered a new line of theorization of VR-assisted multimodal learning in the cognitive field of SLA.
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