Minecraft Education Edition in foreign language education: Pre-service teachers’ reasons for acceptance and integration





multimodal input, virtual reality, reading comprehension, cognitive load


In this paper, I explored the reasons three pre-service teachers gave for why they accept and integrate Minecraft Education Edition into their growing practice. During a six-week online university course on technology in foreign language education, a group of twenty-one pre-service and in-service teachers created weekly Reflexive Digital Story (RDS) Journals to document their technology exploration along with lesson plans and projects that incorporated innovative technologies they wanted to integrate into their practice. Three of the pre-service teachers enrolled in this course became innovators and early adopters in comparison to their peers as they voluntarily integrated Minecraft Education Edition into their coursework. This allowed me to qualitatively analyze their coursework to identify the reasons they integrated the digital game into their developing practice. This work contributes to the field of digital game-based learning, technology acceptance and integration, and the study of teacher education by illuminating the factors that contribute to why pre-service teachers accept and use Virtual Worlds (VWs). I discovered the reasons these pre-service teachers gave for acceptance and use of VW technology embodied the recognition of a need for motivation and engagement in the classroom, beliefs about the social nature of culture and language, and perceptions of VWs as an opportunity to make the impossible possible.

Author Biographies

  • Kristen Fung, University of South Florida

    Kristen E. Fung (Ph.D.) is a graduate from the Technology in Education and Second Language Acquisition (TESLA) doctoral program at the University of South Florida. She is a well-published artist, an experienced English Language Arts and ESOL teacher, and the Managing Editor at the Journal of Literacy Research and Practice Online. Her research interests revolve around new emerging technologies including digital and immersive virtual environments, Digital Game-Based Language Learning, Multiliteracies Pedagogy, and Arts-Based Research Methods.
    Email: kristenfung@usf.edu

  • Sara Smith, University of South Florida

    Sara A. Smith (Ph.D.) is an Assistant Professor in ESOL and Foreign Language Education and Faculty in the Technology in Education and Second Language Acquisition (TESLA) doctoral program at the University of South Florida. The broad aim of her research program is to gain a better understanding of the diversity of language experience and how linguistic diversity relates to language, cognition, speech, and literacy and academic achievement. Her research interests include: differences related to the individual and the language environment; vocabulary, literacy/biliteracy, and achievement outcomes; and technology enhanced language learning, including digital environments and immersive virtual environments.
    Email: sarasmith3@usf.edu

  • Enrico Gandolfi, Kent State University

    Enrico Gandolfi (Ph.D.) is assistant professor and Program Coordinator of the Educational Technology program at Kent State University. His research interests include games and simulations for learning, augmented and virtual reality in education, and online communities of inquiry. He is author of several journal articles (e.g., for Journal of Technology and Teacher EducationNew Media and SocietyTechnology in SocietyBritish Journal of Educational Technology) and book chapters (for publishers like Routledge, MIT Press, ETC Press) about these topics. He has been CO-PI and senior personnel for grants funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for Humanities.
    Email: egandol1@kent.edu


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How to Cite

Fung, K., Smith, S., & Gandolfi, E. (2022). Minecraft Education Edition in foreign language education: Pre-service teachers’ reasons for acceptance and integration. Journal of Language Teaching, 2(10), 17-28. https://doi.org/10.54475/jlt.2022.013

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