Teaching bare plurals in Spanish language classrooms





Spanish bare plurals, language instruction, grammar teaching, linguistic research, negative transfer


Language instruction has shifted towards communication, often neglecting detailed grammar explanations based on linguistic research. This article examines the interpretation of bare plurals in Spanish, arguing for the integration of theoretical linguistics into classroom practices to enhance grammar instruction. The discussion highlights the differences between Spanish and English bare plurals and underscores the necessity of teaching these distinctions to prevent negative transfer and improve language acquisition. By analyzing recent linguistic findings, the article proposes practical approaches for incorporating these insights into teaching strategies, ultimately aiming to improve learners' comprehension and usage of Spanish bare plurals.

Author Biography

  • Ningxian Li, University of Georgia

    Ningxian Li is a recent PhD graduate of the University of Georgia in the US. He teaches Spanish language classes as well as linguistic classes. His research interests are Spanish and Chinese syntax, pragmatics, applied linguistics, etc.
    Email: ningxianlee@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Li, N. (2024). Teaching bare plurals in Spanish language classrooms. Journal of Language Teaching, 4(2), 13-21. https://doi.org/10.54475/jlt.2024.011

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