Using SFL-based text analysis to inform instruction for emergent bilingual learners




systemic functional linguistics, text analysis, teacher education, academic language


Emergent Bilingual Learners (EBs) need language-focused instructional support if they are to access content, make meaning, and engage critically with academic texts in English. Text analysis informed by systemic functional linguistics (SFL) helps teachers identify “the language of schooling” (Schleppegrell, 2004) which they will need to make visible to their students. The authors, both teacher educators in an ESOL endorsement program, recognize that both the teacher candidates who are analyzing texts and the students whose instruction will be informed by the analysis engage in literacy practices that may not be recognized and valued by all teachers or aligned with the language demands of mandatory, high-stakes assessments. With that in mind, we envision a text analysis assignment that promotes language as meaning based, rather than rule based, and additive, rather than subtractive (Garcia, 2009) in terms of the language resources of teachers and students in language learning settings. Additionally, we look for ways to support our teacher candidates in interrogating texts critically as part of their analysis to uncover dominant perspectives. This practice-based article models the process of SFL-based text analysis facilitated by a text analysis tool we designed. The goal is that teachers can apply what they have learned from their analysis to create language-focused instruction that both supports academic language learning and promotes critical stances towards the connections between language choices and meaning making in specific academic contexts/disciplines. Additionally, we encourage teachers to use a variation of this text analysis format with students to explore how language is used in the text to develop all languages in the students' linguistic repertoire.

Author Biographies

  • Jessica Dougherty, Western Oregon University

    Jessica Dougherty holds a doctorate in educational leadership with a concentration in ESOL/bilingual education from George Fox University. She is an Associate Professor in ESOL education at Western Oregon University. Her research interests include language development through an integrated approach, culturally sustaining clinical experience practices, and diversity/equity/inclusion work.

  • Joshua Schulze, Western Oregon University

    Joshua Schulze holds a doctorate in language, literacy, and culture from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is an Associate Professor in ESOL at Western Oregon University. His research interests include using systemic functional linguistics to increase teacher’s knowledge of language.


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How to Cite

Dougherty, J., & Schulze, J. (2023). Using SFL-based text analysis to inform instruction for emergent bilingual learners. Journal of Language Teaching, 3(6), 1-12.

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