A review of language awareness (2020–2024): Current trends and future directions


  • Weiqing Wang Xiangtan University
  • Xiaoyu Liu Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture




language awareness, effect, language learning, developmental patterns, mediating factors


Language awareness, which refers to an individual’s sensitivity to and understanding of the nature and function of language, has been shown to potentially impact language learning. The current paper reviews various sources, including journals, books, and historical documents, to provide a comprehensive overview of theoretical discussions and empirical studies on language awareness. It begins by outlining the domain of language awareness, then clarifies its definition, and then examines recent studies (2020–2024) that explore its effects, methods of cultivation, developmental patterns, and mediating factors in educational contexts, with a focus on the (meta)cognitive domain of language awareness among L2 learners, bilinguals, and multilinguals. Additionally, the paper discusses research on the cross-linguistic aspects of language awareness, highlighting how awareness across different languages influences learning outcomes. In conclusion, the paper summarizes current developmental trends in the field and emphasizes the need for further investigation to enhance our understanding and application of language awareness in educational contexts. The review aims to offer insights that may help refine strategies for cultivating language awareness and enhancing educational practices.

Author Biographies

  • Weiqing Wang, Xiangtan University

    Professor Weiqing Wang received her PhD degree from Michigan State University. She is now a professor in the English Department of the School of Foreign Language Studies at Xiangtan University, Hunan, China. Xiaoyu Liu is a senior lecturer at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
    Email: wangweiq@xtu.edu.cn

  • Xiaoyu Liu, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

    Xiaoyu Liu is a senior lecturer at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
    Email: llemon2010@163.com


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How to Cite

Wang, W., & Liu, X. (2024). A review of language awareness (2020–2024): Current trends and future directions. Journal of Language Teaching, 4(4), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.54475/jlt.2024.020

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