Improving persuasive speaking skills using a student-developed template in an online learning environment




online persuasive speaking, student-developed rhetorical template


Effective persuasive speaking is requisite for successful academic, professional, and social life (Nippold, 2007, in Heilmann et al. 2020). However, there is dearth in literature that recommends an effective rhetorical structure that addresses the most pressing and recurring needs of non-native English public speakers – communication apprehension (Bastida & Yapo, 2019) and problems in organizing and outlining ideas in the speech (Lee & Liang, 2012). This explanatory sequential mixed-methods study investigated the effect of a student-developed persuasive speaking template taught in an online class to the persuasive speaking skills of non-native English speakers in a secondary school. Results showed a significant improvement in the participants’ persuasive speaking skills before and after they were trained to use the student-developed template as manifested by their careful word choice, formulation of engaging introduction, effective vocal expression and paralanguage, connection with the audience, and lessened communication apprehension. In addition, it was found out that no significant correlation between the online learning environment and the improved skills. The research results revealed that the student-developed template, direct skills instruction, time for research and practice, and teacher’s guidance helped improve skills and could form part of an alternative rhetorical pedagogy.

Author Biography

  • Daniel A. Mabini, National Educators Academy of the Philippines

    Daniel A. Mabini is a Senior Education Program Specialist at the National Educators Academy of the Philippines. He graduated from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a Master of Arts in Education degree specializing in Language Education. His research interests include language education intervention studies and teacher professional development.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Mabini, D. A. (2023). Improving persuasive speaking skills using a student-developed template in an online learning environment. Journal of Language Teaching, 3(5), 12-22.

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