Project-based language learning in Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus: A systematic review




project-based learning, project-based language learning, case study, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus


Project-Based Learning (PBL), referred to as Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) when students learn a second or foreign language through project work, is a growing field of research worldwide. Since the 1980s, PBLL has been empirically studied in numerous contexts: in K-12 and higher education settings, multiple target languages, and many regions and countries. However, as the number of PBLL studies has increased, the need for analyzing PBLL research on a global scale and through regional and country-level analyses has become of high importance. Through a case study review of countries with strong PBLL research, regional and global research trends, as well as gaps, can be identified, while areas that have been amply researched can be satisfactorily concluded.

This paper will discuss findings based on a case study of PBLL in Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus, which were part of a larger global study on PBLL research (Beckett et al., 2020). We will highlight PBLL studies within the region, identifying regional trends in K-12 and higher education research, multi-country projects, and research gaps in technology and assessment, which are seen as gaps in PBLL research worldwide (Beckett and Slater., 2020).

Author Biographies

  • Sebnem Kurt, Iowa State University

    Şebnem Kurt (corresponding author) is a Ph.D. student in the Applied Linguistics and Technology program at Iowa State University, co-majoring in the Human-Computer Interaction program. She is a former Fulbright scholar and a TESOL certificate holder. Her main research interests include computer-assisted language learning (CALL), second language assessment, and Project-Based Learning.

  • Jeanne Beck, Iowa State University

    Jeanne Beck is a Ph.D. student in the Applied Linguistics and Technology Program at Iowa State University. She has an education specialist degree (Ed.S) in administration and an M.Ed. in TESOL. Her main interests include second language assessment, teacher training, CALL, and Project-Based Learning. A current elementary EL teacher in Iowa, she has taught English learners and trained teachers in South Korea, Japan, and two US states.


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How to Cite

Kurt, S., & Beck, J. (2023). Project-based language learning in Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus: A systematic review. Journal of Language Teaching, 3(1), 1-10.

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