Introducing Spaced Repetition Software (SRS) for vocabulary acquisition in a university-level Arabic language course: A case study
Spaced Repetition, SR, Spaced Repetition Software, SRS, L2 acquisition, vocabulary acquisition, teaching Arabic as a foreign language, student motivationAbstract
Spaced repetition (SR) is a proven memory technique, yet few L2 classrooms implement it for vocabulary acquisition and retention. This paper details a case study that introduced spaced repetition software (SRS) for L2 vocabulary acquisition in a university Arabic language course. The paper analyzes the results of a questionnaire about the effectiveness of SRS distributed to twenty-two beginning Arabic students at a major university who were required to use the method for vocabulary acquisition. A discussion of the theoretical benefits of SRS versus actual classroom results follows. The paper concludes with a reflection on various problems encountered, including student motivation, and makes recommendations for introducing SRS in the L2 classroom based on the experiment.
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